California Redlands Mission
November 2015 - May 2017

Friday, November 13, 2015

Day 3 Here in the MTC

Dear Family!!!

HELLLOOO!!! Yay for new adventures! Today is not my P- day but we were asked to write a quick email to let you know that yes I am alive and yes I am doing just great! The MTC is such an amazing place! I cannot believe the Spirit that is here! I walked through the doors just to get my name tag and boom the spirit just hits you like a ton of bricks and doesn't leave ever!! The first day I am going to be honest was super hard but I have loved everyday after so far. My Testimony has grown so much within the last 2 days and I am so happy that I made this choice to serve a mission! Last night we met with our Branch President and I was made Sister Training Leader already. I know crazy right?? I cried like a baby when he interviewed me because gosh that dang spirit is just so strong! My companion is super cute and kind of shy but I love her so much already!!! My District is the bomb and my teachers are so amazing. I wish that I had time to write you so much more and tell you all the wonderful things that has happened so far but I can't! My actual P-day is on Tuesday so you will hear from me then and don't worry you will hear lots and lots more!!! Love you all so much and know that I think about you all the time! 
Sister Pasley

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Of Farewells and New Adventures

After 4 long months the day finally arrived that Hannah Pasley became Sister Hannah Pasley.  On Sunday we had a beautiful farewell sacrament.  Hannah gave a great talk and then, somehow, stayed together enough to sing a very moving rendition of "I Know That My Redeemer Lives".  Not a dry eye in the house. 

We then had a get together with around 70 of Hannah's closest friends and relations at the house.  It was great for Hannah to see all those that have had an influence in her life. 

The next night Hannah was set apart as a missionary and the next day we drove to Salt Lake (through a horrendous snow storm)  for one last visit with family before heading to the MTC.

The next morning we got up, got ready had a last father's blessing, then said goodbye to Grandma and Grandpa Roach before heading to Provo.  We picked up big sister Emma at BYU, had lunch and then headed for the Provo temple for our final goodbyes.  Just like her big sister Hannah refused individual goodbyes just a big family hug before heading to the MTC.

The whole crew

With big sister Emma the return missionary.  What a great example!

With little sister Bekah.

With little Brother Ben
With little Joe Joe

One last "celelstial selfie"  with our family

After our good byes we all piled into the car and made our way to the MTC for the final drop off.  The same smiling faces greeted us there as greeted us 23 months earlier when we dropped off Emma.  Out popped Hannah who gave a last hug to Mom and Dad and she was off.  We are so excited for her adventure as she serves the people of Redlands California.  God be with you till we meet again Sister Pasley.  We love you!